5 Steps to Making the Most of Your Extended Health Plan Before Year End

Health Care Plan For Physiotherapy

Use Your Extended Health Plan Before Year’s End. You’ve Earned It!

2019 is just around the corner and many people have only a short few months to make the most of a year’s worth of extended health benefits. You’ve worked hard to earn your coverage and it’s there to help you feel better and be healthy, so why not use it? Prevention is key when it comes to health and most services covered by your benefits can be used when you’re pain-free with the intention of keeping you that way!

5 Tips for making the most of this year’s benefit allotment before the new year:

1) Get to know your coverage:

  • What paramedical services are covered?
    • People know they have dental and vision coverage but most plans also include paramedical services such as massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, kinesiology, acupuncture, and naturopathic services. Most of these services can be utilized as preventative or wellness services in the absence of injuries or pain.
  • How much coverage do you have?
    • Extended health plans come in all shapes and sizes. Knowing how much coverage you have for each type of profession or combined professions can help you put together a plan that serves you best.
  • Does your plan include a Health Spending Account?
    • A Health Spending Account will sometimes cover services or expenses not included in your paramedical coverage. Gym memberships, yoga classes, and personal training sessions are examples of health-related expenses that may be covered. Your Health Spending Account can also be put towards paramedical services that have been maxed out should you wish to continue care after running out of coverage.
  • Does your plan cover spouse and children?
    • You may have mastered the art of extended health care use but has the rest of your family? There are numerous preventative and wellness services that children can benefit from including massage, functional athletic screenings from physiotherapists or kinesiologists, postural assessment and corrective exercise prescription from a chiropractor and basic nutritional and sleep hygiene guidelines from a naturopathic physician.
  • Do you have additional coverage through your spouse’s plan?
    • Many families don’t make the most of both partners’ extended health plans. Redundancies in coverage mean you could be getting twice as many services or expand your coverage to other professionals you didn’t think were included. Compare each other’s plans and combine them to make the most of your coverage!

2) Make a game plan

Picking and choosing which therapies will best serve your needs can be tricky business and the process can deter people from using their benefits altogether

Use Your Extended Health Care Benefits

Here are a few tips to streamline the process:

Start with what you know and love and go from there. If you’ve had a great experience with a massage therapist start with them and ask for their recommendations on which professional to see next.

  • If you don’t know where to start, find a clinic that offers multiple services utilizing an interdisciplinary team approach and see one of their primary clinicians (anyone who can use the title “Doctor” such as chiropractors, naturopaths, and physicians).
  • Your primary clinician has the skills to assess or diagnose current or potential future issues and will work with you to structure a treatment plan and refer you to the professionals that will best meet your goals.

3) Submit your claim right away with e-claim or find a clinic that offers direct billing:

Many people avoid using their extended health coverage because of the hassle of submitting their claims and waiting for weeks at a time to get reimbursed. These days many plans allow you to submit electronically for quick and easy processing and reimbursement. Some even allow qualified clinics to register for direct billing which means claims are processed immediately and you only have to pay the non-covered portion at your appointment. Look into your plan’s claim options and you may be surprised how easy it can be!

4) Earn points by using your credit card:

While some clinics offer direct billing options, it may be in your interest to pay for the services yourself and then be reimbursed later. Most credits cards have a points plan that rewards the carrier with travel or cash-back options. By using your credit card on your health services, you can earn valuable points on purchases that will be reimbursed by your extended health plan. With most plans covering around $500 for each service, by the end of the year, you could put your points towards a vacation or continue investing in your health with a gym membership!

5) Invest in yourself – “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Millions of extended health care dollars go unused each year because people feel they have no reason to utilize the services. But, you don’t need an injury to make the most of your coverage! There are countless benefits to using paramedical services outside of pain or illness.

  • Physiotherapists and chiropractors can make sure your body is moving properly and improve performance in sports and athletics. Professional athletes and weekend warriors alike can optimize performance with biomechanical assessments and a corrective exercise program specifically designed for them.
  • Office workers are notorious for poor posture and a few position cues from a professional now could save you pain and agony in the future.
  • A kinesiologist can give you a clinical grade personal training session on your plan’s dime and who doesn’t love a monthly massage? Most extended health care services can be utilized as “preventative services” and, when organized properly, a team of professionals can keep your body working its best for years to come.

Make the most of your extended health!

Let us guide you through the first steps of a healthier and happier you!