Dealing With Jaw Pain
Those with jaw issues are familiar with the sharp painful reminder that they shouldn’t be eating that steak or the relentless throb and headache reminding them they’ve been grinding their teeth all night. 1 in 4 people will experience jaw pain, tension or headaches from a temporomandibular joint dysfunction and many don’t realize there are treatment options available.
About The Temporomandibular Joint
The temporomandibular joint, commonly known as the “TMJ” is the primary joint where your jaw attaches itself to your skull. Located just in front of your ears it is widely considered one of the most complex joints in the body. While it seems simple enough, the TMJ can rotate, move forward and backward and side to side and has numerous components prone to injury including an articular disk, ligaments, thick connective tissue, bony articular surfaces and a multitude of muscles to control movements. Dysfunctions in the way these structures are working can result in all kinds of symptoms including pain or tension in the face, jaw, and ear, headaches, neck pain and problems eating or speaking. Clicking, popping and grinding in the TMJ are all signs that it might time to see a professional. The cause of TMJ disorders can vary but they are often associated with grinding or clenching of the teeth, tension in the muscles in the head and neck, trauma to the jaw or history of concussions, digestive issues and chronic stress.
Treating TMJ Dysfunctions
Treating TMJ dysfunctions can involve a variety of health professionals including dentists, orthodontists, physiotherapists, massage therapists and chiropractors. Your first step to a happy and healthy TMJ is determining a specific diagnosis (muscle or tendon strain, ligament sprain, disk fixation, osteoarthritis etc.) and cause of the dysfunction. A clinician (Dentist, MD, Chiropractor) should be able to make a specific diagnosis that can then help you choose which therapeutic professional may be the best fit. Do your muscles get tight and sore because you hold tension in your neck? An RMT or chiropractor may be a good place to start. Are the biomechanics of your jaws movement causing wear and tear on the disc and joint surface? A physiotherapist or chiropractor might be better suited for your needs. Is your bite off because of dental issues? You guessed it, time to see your dentist or orthodontist! Did you take a baseball to the face? You might need all hands on deck.
Depending on your specific issue, treatment can consist of a variety of techniques including myofascial release, joint mobilizations, Active Release Technique(ART), therapeutic and postural exercises, Night-Guards, relaxation techniques, sleep hygiene education or orthodontal work. Surgery and other invasive techniques are often the last resort but the vast majority of cases can be cured with conservative physical therapy.
TMJ issues can affect many aspects of life since eating, speaking, yawning and even sleeping can all cause debilitating pain.
Tips For Recovery
A couple tips to start your road to recovery include:
- Avoiding hard foods that require excessive chewing
- Cut food into smaller pieces
- Try not to open your mouth excessively wide
- Relax the jaw muscles, there should be a slight gap between your teeth at rest!
Ready To Fix Your Jaw Pain?
The Canadian Dental Association suggests a thorough examination by your dentist followed by referral to a physiotherapist or chiropractor for conservative treatment. Practitioners in both our West Vancouver and Port Moody locations are well versed in TMJ diagnosis and treatment and are looking forward to getting you pain-free and back into the food and life, you love!