Computer Use and Posture
Researchers at the University of San Francisco published an article in the journal of Biofeedback describing the relationship between computers use and poor posture. Heads are drifting forward, upper backs are hunching, and shoulders are rounding to get close the all-powerful screen, These poor postural cues can lead to muscle pain, headaches, compromised function, fatigue and even reduced mental performance. Over time these habits can cause damage to the spine, and it’s supporting structures and increase the degenerative processes in the joints.
Stacking Up Your Spine
Improving posture and stacking up your spine makes it easier to support the 12 lbs of meat and bone that make up your head and neck. If our head starts to poke forward, at an angle of 45 degrees this weight can increase to a relative 45 lbs! That a lot of work for our neck and shoulder muscles to do over an 8 hour work day.
Fixing Your Posture
The easiest way to fix your posture is to put a string tied to the top of your head that is pulling you up to the ceiling. The lengthening effect to pull your head back on top of your neck, tuck your chin in, pull your shoulders back and lifer your chest up. Try it! Another helpful thing you can do is change the way your desk is set up. Lifting your screen and bringing it closes to you, wearing glasses if necessary and finding the right chair can all help mitigate strains.
Professional Assessment
To further improve your posture it can be helpful to see a professional who specializes in body mechanics. Kinesiologist, physiotherapist and modern chiropractors, can all assess your posture and mechanics and give you helpful guidance to avoiding daily discomfort or long term damage. They can also prescribe specific therapeutic exercises to help strengthen the muscles invoiced with posture. Regular therapy to battle the build-up of daily stresses can also make it easier for your muscles to do their jobs keep you staring and stacked throughout the day.
Learn To Sit Better!
Our West Vancouver and Port Moody clinics offer full biomechanics and ergonomic assessments as well as diverse options for regular maintenance and preventative care